Pathfinders is an activity based organisation especially designed for 10 - 15 year olds. It is an International Uniformed organisation that is sponsored by the local Seventh-day Adventist churches, and is operated by trained volunteers.
The program provides, opportunity to develop self worth in a fun, safe and caring environment, develop an appreciation of Christian spiritually and it's role in personal lifestyle. It aids in the development of leadership and positive group skills, teamwork and fun problem solving experiences. With a focus on developing skills in outdoor and environmental issues through practical camping, hiking, nature study and other outdoor adventure activities. Exposing those involved to a wide range of skills, crafts, arts and other practical skills. Teaching the awareness of joy in serving others and the understanding of opportunities within community needs in addition encouraging a good healthy lifestyle that says no to any drugs or any other harmful substances.
The Livingston Pathfinder Club Leadership Team has the following goals to achieve our vision for the pathfinders in our club.
Promoting deeper relationships with God and man
Encouraging self-esteem and worth
Achieving Club Excellence
Facilitating team leadership skills
Taking responsibility for oneself
Learning life skills
Loving the Lord my God I will: Daily seek His presence Show friendship to others Keep the Pathfinder Law and Honour my country
The Pathfinder Law is for me to:
Look for good in others
Aim to do my best Love and respect my family
Be thankful for what I have
Preserve God’s creation
Take care of my health
Be involved in my church, and
Go where He sends
To read more about Pathfinders, look through the New Members Booklet below, created by the North NSW Conference Youth Department.
The new Pathfinder Bible is currently only available through a local Adventist Book Center store. Please call or visit them, and if they do not know about the new Bible, please tell them to contact Signs Publishnig. See the video below to hear all about it!
Introduction to Pathfinders DOWNLOAD (PDF 0.2MB)
As part of the Seventh-day Adventist community in Australia, Livingston SDA Church works in harmony with Safe Place Services (a service of the SDA church in Australia and New Zealand) to help keep our kids and families safe. To read through our Child Safety policies click here.